If you are reading this you're probably looking for some ideas about how to eat well economically. You may have told yourself eating well is expensive. Truth is it can be, but it doesn't have to be.

Why Should We Eat Well
There are many benefits to eating healthy. Living a long life with little to no health issues is a big one. Weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight is another. Feeding your body whole food provides it with the proper nutrients which leads to improved mood, memory, gut health and a good night’s sleep. So how can we eat healthy food affordably?
Ideas To Fit Healthy Food Into Your Budget
Eat in season. Seasonal food is the least expensive.
Avoid canned food. Even the high end brands are found to use BPA in the can lining. Frozen options are often cheaper and healthier.
Eat less meat. All animal products are expensive. When you do eat beef grass fed is the best for you. Stick with a portion that is the size of your palm. Look for sales and then buy in bulk, portion it out and put it in the freezer. Add other protein sources to your diet like eggs, seeds especially quinoa and greens which are usually less expensive per portion. Broccoli actually has more protein per calorie than steak and quinoa has 14g of protein per serving.
Eat more fiber, less refined sugars. Refined sugars and hydrogenated oils increase our appetite and therefore our spending on food. Fruits, veggies and nuts however are packed with fiber therefore filling us up and ultimately decreasing our spending on more food. Look for stores that have bulk veggies at a good price like Costco or Sam’s Club. In those two stores alone you can get enough organic lettuce to feed 2 people for a week under $6. There is also Aldi’s, Save-A-Lot and WINCO.
Pack your lunch! Always cheaper and healthier than a restaurant.
Limit processed foods. Chips, crackers, cookies and candies are some of the highest priced items at the grocery store. They also contain things that ultimately increase your appetite.
Choose to drink water. Most of us do not need the extra calories that come from sodas, juices and sport drinks.
Limit food waste and save a bunch. Plan ahead to consume foods that spoils quickly first. Anytime you throw food away you are actually tossing dollars in the trash can.
Plan your meals, make a list and stick to it. When it comes to saving money at the grocery store, planning is essential. And don’t shop when you are hungry, you are more likely to stray from your list.
Buy whole foods. Some foods are way cheaper in less processed form. For example, a block of cheese is less expensive than a bag of shredded cheese. And the precut foods are the same. Buy the whole foods and cut them yourself. By doing that you also cut down on potential food borne illnesses.
When you can grow your own food. Seeds are cheap and once you put a little time and effort in you will have a continual seasonal supply.
Final Word
You don’t have to go broke to eat well. In fact, there are many healthy foods that are not expensive. Assess your relationship with food and have fun incorporating the ideas in this article. When you plan out your healthy meals, cook at home, and make smart choices at the grocery store your wallet and your body will thank you.